
Yes, registration is mandatory before placing order. You can register manually by clicking on "Sign Up" button displaying at top centre section on our website.
No, All exchange operations are executed manually by site administrator.
Click on dropdown menu select exchange and choose your currencies after this. Make your payment to our account and then submit your payment proof and Get your money in your account that's it.
Your order will get executed by us within 12 Hours after receiving payment from you. Generally it takes much faster within 1-4 hours
There may be several reasons for your orderdenial/cancellation:
1. If your payment is not received within 24 hours of placing order on our website, you order will get cancelled automatically.
2. You have entered wrong transaction details i.e transaction number/batch number is wrong and no payment received from your side to our specified account.
3. Due to Technical Error at our website. For more information directly email us at [email protected]
Direct Chat via Telegram : @mrbeandev
Please feel free to contact us anytime or mail us at [email protected]
You can simply write your Experience about our website after doing a exchange.